Changes to the Adult Digital Media Lab
October 1, 2018
We have updated the Adult Digital Media Lab procedures and restrictions effective today, October 1, 2018. We do this to provide our patrons with the best possible service model.
Here are some frequently asked questions about our Adult Digital Media Lab.
How do I reserve the lab?
Skokie Public Library cardholders (only) high school age and above may reserve time at any service desk in the library or by calling the library at 847-673-7774. One 2-hour reservation can be made per day. If there are no other reservations after you, your time may be extended in 1-hour increments at the East Checkout Desk.
Where do I checkout the key to the lab?
You will checkout and return the key to the lab at the East Checkout Desk.
What if I have questions or issues using the lab?
Please use the phone in the lab to call the Information Desk for assistance. We also provide numerous online resources available from the workstations. If you require additional assistance, please schedule a 1-on-1 appointment at the Information Desk.
What equipment will be available?
All existing equipment will remain and no additional checkouts will be required. Please see our website for a full listing of featured software and related equipment.
What if I don’t have a Skokie Library Card?
Reciprocal borrowers may have access to limited digital media software in the Computer Commons.
What if I damage equipment?
Patrons who book time in the lab are responsible for damage to items they use including computer, recording, and related equipment. Damaged items are billed to the patrons account at the replacement cost. The damaged item may be offered to the patron to keep. Replacement items are not accepted in lieu of payment.